Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I was wondering what makes people stay friends for a decade or two after high school. I mean really, think about the person you were in high school, and think about what the people around you were like. Would you really want to be friends with them, or hell, even yourself, now?

Sure, there is a small chance that as you grow into an actual adult, you and the girl you shared a imo to senior prom with will grow in the same direction. But that's about the same chance you have of finding a hundred dollar bill on the street today.

I ask this because I was given a project recently, scanning my Mother's old photos into digitial form. Of course, it is inevitable that one would find some horribly embarrasing pictures from the days before you got braces and learned how to do your hair in something other than a ponytail. Some of the ones I found were from my birthday in 5th grade. There were purple and teal balloons (hey, those were cool colors back then) everywhere, and a lot of very awkward girls! This finding prompted me to get on any social networking site I could find and try and look up the gangly girls in the photos. I was more than a little surprised to find that some of them are still friends with each other! How? That was a damn decade and a half ago! The closest I've ever come to maintaining a friendship with people from that long ago WAS the very act of pressing the "Add as Friend" link on Facebook.

Granted, I have led a very abnormal life. I tend to move... a LOT. I've been refered to as a gypsy more than once. I find it absolutely amazing that I'm living in a city, I've been here for almost a year, and I haven't planned on moving yet. But really, is this common?

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